Estimated Shipping Time for Our Made to Order Bits is 2-3 Weeks
Here's how to know if this bit is for you:
Does your horse do any of the following?
Their body language is communicating that they can't handle the pressure and they need more release! The Lagniappe™️ is like a good set of spurs, there to help communicate when we need it…not to be used with heavy or constant pressure.
Train your horse with clear communication. Then trust your training by removing the pressure during a turn. It may take a little practice learning to lighten up, but less is best and your horse will thank you for it!
The beauty of the Lagniappe™️ Bit is that the power is in the sweet iron mouthpiece, not in a shank. It allows us to send a clear message to a strong horse when we need more control, while still allowing us to ride with butter-soft hands as often as possible. (Manufacturing delays could result in shipping delays.)
Wouldn't it be nice if a bit came with INSTRUCTIONS?
Use the link below to check out our Free Bit Tips for fitting guidance and other helpful tips for a great next ride.